I did start out with good intentions yesterday morning and then lo and behold I ended up having another not so good day. Hence, the mere 'good morning.'
I have been having some tricky issues with my feet. Since this last round of chemo I have had nasty pain and tingling plus some other issues were causing me grief and making me pop the pills which, in turn made me drowsy. The sniffles are gone today, but they had me sit up and order in some Halls, though. It all added up to a bit of a tough day.
But all seems a little calmer this morning, athough Gilles and I both got up at 4:30am. By 5:15 we were downing our oatmeal and brown sugar (which I had forgotten had cinnamon in it - sorry hon') Oh well, rising before the dog and the local roosters makes for a gloriously long day. And didn't I say I was feeling better? That means I can get lots done, right? Or so I thought.
I did a few things awhile ago and just as Gilles was leaving at 7:45, I had to lie down. I felt like I had performed an entire week's housework.
I guess that is my body telling me to take it easy; to do things in measured amounts and to stop trying to rise and conquer everything before 9am. I hate it when I'm not right.
Well, I am actually motivated to do a lot today because the big weekend has arrived. I have to pack. We are heading to the sunny south for a few days. It's a bit of a flying visit - we are spending two days at my friend, Frannie's and then we are heading back home via Nashville. I am pumped (yes I still have steroids in my system) to soak up some Florida rays - at the discretion of my sunscreen, of course.
Now I am in a little bit of a quandary. Since my steroids I have gained a little pudge so of course not much fits well anymore. I avoid the mirror at all costs. So I am opting for the cool, loose dress look - do they still make moo-moos (how do you spell that?) Sigh. I guess this isn't about looking good on the sand. I won't mind if some think I am a colourful beached whale. At least I will be sporting a thankful grin.
I am so looking forward to being with Gilles. He has been so good to me and deserves a change of scenery and routine. We are both looking forward to spending time with Fran and Rick. They have been such a long distance blessing to us.
But I know the part Gilles is really looking forward to is when we hit Nashville, Tennessee! Yeehaa! Bring on those rhinestones and chaps, boy's. Ya'll are gonna' be hearin' some stories in a week or so!

God is so good and I am so thankful. I'm thinking I might stay away from the ridin' the buckin' bronco machine, though.
I hope and pray that you have a blessed trip! I look forward to reading about your adventure when you return =)
I do hope you're having a wonderful time!
Hi, Just stopped by to say hi and see how you are doing, I hope your trip is wonderful, and moo-moos are a good thing. Like Martha would say. Can not wait to hear how you trip went. Big Hugs Deb
I believe God meant for you to be an inspiration to our family
not only for Cindy but for Ben and Denise too. I even miss hearing about you and maybe someday our paths will cross. May God continue to be with you and your family as you travel through life.
Cristine (Cindy's Mom)
Thanks for the note of encouragement. I have my chemo scheduled for Friday this week. It is kind of fitting since Thursday just wouldn't be the same without you. But I am happy at least one of us is finished this part of the dance. I hope that you had a great time away.
Thanks for the reminder -- it is a wonderful way to rest -- in the arms of our loving Saviour who never leaves us whatever circumstances we are faced with in this life. Take care..
love, Cindy
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