Dog-tired is probably a good way to describe me today! Sleeping has been a big 'problemo' almost since the onset of my chemo. After my second treatment, I barely slept three hours in a row at night. A few times I would get up at three or four in the morning and just stay up. So after this last chemo session I was armed with Oxazepam. Oh the doctors had offered it to me in the past but I am so loathe to add yet another dose of pharmaceutical preparation to my system that I bucked it. Because I was becoming a little frazzled and likely a little touchy in the emotions department (menopause is touchy enough) this time I smiled and nodded at my dear doctor's suggestion. Well for four nights now I have taken the wretched drug. The first time it didn't do much. I was still up at 3am but the next few nights were different. I did get longer hours of sleep and when I did wake up, after a little while I would nod off again. feel so rough. I am not sure if it is a drug-induced hangover, but it is not pleasant. Of course there are a multitude of other little nigglies happening for side effects which don't help. but I am dealing with them. The hardest part of these first days after chemo is keeping still. The best part about these days is feeling the love and caring of friends and family.
Here is a list of today's blessings:
1) Gilles kissed my bald head when he said good morning, and goodbye and hello.
2) Amanda, Jocelyn and Trenton were here brightening my day
3) Trenton ran to me and said, "Grandma, Grandma, Grandma!" Then he hugged and kissed me
4) Jocelyn smiled at me and 'talked' to me in her sweet, goo-goo baby language. I understood her completely
5) For a split second when Jocelyn was smiling at me, I felt like I was holding Amanda again
6) Janice called and made us laugh
7) Trevor went out on his first call as a volunteer firefighter. I am still waiting to hear what happened.
8) Rosemary called and told me that she was not going out west. She also told me she was waiting for the news of her doctor's thorough test. She even asked for a CA125 bloodtest- the one that can detect ovarian cancer (God let it be okay)
9) I talked to Dad today and he said that he is feeling good and is having a good day.
10) So far I have gathered $70 in sponsorships for the 5KM walk for Ovarian Cancer that we are doing on September 7th/08
11) Annie called today and just wanted to chat with Auntie Glynis.
12) Gilles loves me at my worst
13) Darlene and Rick are bringing supper tonight
14) Trudy is with Jesus - I keep thinking of her and her family
So what God thing did I learn today? Love is patient and kind. xxx
What an example - to see here a 'thankful' list as you push through a tough day. I'm holding you up to the Father, Glynis.
My blessings for today:
My two beautiful children
My creativitiy
My patience even though I'm SO tired
Doing fair stuff "with" mom
Enjoying supper with my family
Hugging my kids
Seeing a woman in Zehrs flip out on her child and thankful that's not me!
Talking to my little bro [thanks for stopping in Uncle Trevor]
Mom and Dad getting their new car - they SO deserve it.
Enjoy the new car Mom! You are my blessing every day! And we're over our goal now for the walk! And I"m sure there will be much more coming!!! YEAH!! Go "Sunflower Seeds"!!! xo Amanda
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