(Photo: Two more reasons to count my blessings.)
My wrist, index finger and thumb is still numb but the news sounds hopeful. My trusty remover of all things lumpy (aka nice doctor) removed the nasty little lump on my left wrist this morning in hospital and has sent the remnants away for biopsy. The results will be ready in about a week but at this point I am not sweating over it (my surgically induced menopausal hot flashes make me sweat enough as it is!) The doc said that he thinks it looks okay and the suspicious lump may be a bloodclot, which is naught to fret about. We'll wait and see when the report comes back. Meanwhile I am glad that is over. My energy meter is registering a little higher today, although my speeds are more like dead slow and stop.
I actually shouldn't be typing right now because the freezing is starting to come out and I am feeling the tingle and a bit of soreness. I'll be hitting the meds in a moment I am sure. But I did want to keep things up to date on here. I'll be sorry later, I am sure.
Gilles said he will help me remove the sutures (all three) in about a week, so that should be an interesting afternoon. Maybe he can wear his 'Handyman' shirt. There's not a lot he won't try (except maybe changing grandbaby diapers!) :) Thank goodness he is always there for me - no matter what crazy notion I may be entertaining or endless 'to-do' list I may have created on any given day.
Again this week, we are so thankful to have had all sorts of angels praying and helping us. The 'Hauser Catering Service' was once again in full force right after my chemo - we are starting to lose count of how many splendid full course meals Rick and Darlene have lovingly prepared and sent our way. How blessed we are to have them as friends.
And then there have been more casseroles appearing in our fridge (thanks Ann and Bill), cookies on the counter, cards in the mailbox and many phonecalls, e-mails and more. We've had muffins and loaves delivered, our chief garden angel was on duty again this week and the prayers from friends and family have been so needed and appreciated. What a joy to live in such a caring community and to see people really walk the talk.
I've often had trouble accepting help - likely due to my 'I can do it myself' mentality,. So this has been a big learning experience for me. I love how God teaches us lessons. So how do we repay all this? What do we do to make up for all this spoiling and loving; for all the kindness and encouragement?
Darlene (my 'adopted' little sister) gave me a good bit of advice that I will never forget. "Pay Forward..." she said. Sound advice wrapped up in two little words.
Pay forward is different than paying back. I love the concept and the practice can be wholly rewarding to the heart, body and soul. Jesus worked on that Pay Forward principal - love thy neighbour.
We hope that somehow we can be as sensitive as you have been. I don't know how we wil ever be able to pay forward 100% but we can begin by paying attention to God's nudges.
Meanwhile, thanks to you for caring and loving us through all this madness and mayhem.
Oh Glynis, bless you for your always positive attitude. I love the concept of "pay forward." Judging by how your family and friends are rallying around, it seems like you've done your share of that in the past. Prayers and blessings!
What a wonderful concept to apply to life! I, too, had a time in my life where the blessings by friends and family helped me to get through. I don't think I could've repaid everyone for their kindnesses but I could "pay forward".
Thanks for the reminder.
Love Kimberley
Excuse me Mrs. B for having to remind you that the paying forwards that You are receiving are in fact "returns"!
love Sue <><
Pay It Forward is a wonderful concept! I think if everyone would pay it forward there would be a lot less war and sadness in this world.
And yeah, where is Dad when one of those beautiful children have a stinky bum....I don't think I've seen Dad move so fast when I say I smell a "stinky"...but one of those sweeties did a few "stinkys" on the potty today so YEAH!! It might just be ONE bum to change!!! WOOHOO!!!!!!!
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