[Photo: My sweet-faced Trenton!]
On Christmas eve we attended the candlelight service at our church. A silent and holy night; all was calm; all was bright. Trenton, my beautiful little grandson, was seated on the pew next to Mommy and Grandma.
Two shepherds were centre stage dramatically sharing in the marvel of that first Christmas night. Then the lights on the balcony shone down on the husband and wife duet as they spoke to the congregation. It was surely a chorus of the heavenly host announcing that the Babe, laid in a manger, was the Prince of Peace. How the two shepherds longed to see the Child.
Trenton, although only three years old, sat rapt. His little mouth, agape, he stared and listened to the shepherds on stage as they shared the story of Christ's birth. Then at one point, they made plans to leave the sheep and go to the stable to gaze upon the little Jesus child.
This might be a bit of a paraphrase, but the lady shepherd said to her beloved, "Let us go see the Child."
Her partner agreed that they should leave and in a moment the two had left the stage and headed down the aisle past where Trenton and the rest of us were seated.
Trenton leaned over to his Mommy and asked, "Where are they going?"
Mommy answered, "To see Baby Jesus."

That is when I lost it. Tears consumed and my heart fluttered. Oh the innocence of the little children. What a lesson. What a joy to behold. Out of the mouths of babes...
"Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."
Thank you for sharing that sweet story of your Christmas Eve! "Can I go with them?" Indeed, we all want to go with them!
Awww - too sweet!
Trenton understood the message, good for him
Oh, what a sweet, sweet story. It made me cry. I received an e-mail about a mother who went to her child's Christmas pagent at school. The place where Jesus is not allowed to go. The kids sang a cheerful little song and raised letters: One by one, the letters flipped. C. H. R. I. S. T. and then the little boy with the M, raised it upside down. The crowd laughed quietly. Until the end, when the message that was intended to read 'Christmas Love' stood there for all the world to see. "Christ Was Love". Christ can get in anywhere. Even school.
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