Christ did not come to earth so that we can hang tinsel and cook turkey. His birth in a lowly stable was not about maxing out credit cards or elbowing others in busy malls and stores. Commercialism was not rampant on that silent night so long ago.
There is nothing wrong, in my eyes, about families getting together and enjoying relationships at Christmas; and if that means exchanging gifts and diving into a glorious feast, then that is fine, too. But when I see the craziness that is part of the season, then I wonder.
I wonder, first, why people celebrate Christmas when they don't believe in Jesus. Afterall, Christmas is just that - Christ's Mass - a time of praise and worship. A time to celebrate the arrival of a tiny Babe into a lost world.
I wonder why schools can have Christmas programs but aren't allowed to mention the name of Jesus.
I wonder why mall music can consist of Santa Claus is Coming to Town and Frosty the Snowman but if they dare play Away in a Manger or Joy to the World it is a sign of intolerance and people become offended.
I wonder why retail clerks are instructed to say Happy Holidays or Season's Greetings but wishing someone a Merry Christmas is not politically correct.
This past year, since I have been ill, God has opened my eyes to much. I have had plenty of opportunities to wonder. I have concluded through a lot of my wondering, that God is God no matter what. Even if people choose not to believe that Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Light of this world, He still reigns.
Christmas is what happens in our hearts. I am praying that your heart is warm with Jesu
s as you make plans for your own celebrations and that we can all together, remember the Way in that lowly manger who had no crib for a bed. The little Lord Jesus lay down His sweet head. Are you humming yet?

What is your favorite part of Christmas? My best memmories are of Christmas eve and boxing day community services. The best news available for everyone and singing all the way home.
Beautiful!! I wonder those same things!! Although I try very hard to share the meaning of Christmas through our school musicals. It's hard to find one that gives the real if and when I go back to work I just may have to hire a great writer (you) to help me out =)
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