I write a monthly column in a drama newsletter when all is right with the world but I had been quite lax over the last year. But they did ask me to write something for Christmas if I could so I did a little while ago. Here is the article that was recently published in DramaScene. For some reason I just wanted to share it here today:
Cancer? What do you mean I have cancer? Other people get cancer. Not
me. I barely contract a cold. I don’t even get a headache unless I’m hungry. So this is a joke, right? My physician assured me the tests left no doubt. I had ovarian cancer and the clock was ticking.
I suddenly felt like I had been thrust into a lead role for which I was ill prepared.
I had no opportunity for rehearsal. The spotlight was beaming down on
me as I stood center stage, agape and alone. The audience was staring back at
me in anticipation and I had forgotten my lines.
In a nutshell, it has been quite a summer in the Belec household. Six months of intense chemotherapy treatments following major surgery have encompassed my life. My hair has fallen out; my eyebrows have disappeared and I no longer have eyelashes to flutter. The fatigue has been the worst with the pain running a close second.
“Be still and know that I am God…” He whispered in my ear as my journey through the valley of cancer commenced. “Not thy will but Mine be done.” God had not left me comfortless. Just as He promised. Never before had I felt so close to God. Never before had I truly focused on the power of Jesus. Never before had I thought so earnestly on trusting God.
Throughout my journey I have realized the kindness of friends; the dedication of family; experienced marriage vows in action (in sickness and in health…) and stood in awe watching the power of Jesus in my life. I have become aware of the tyranny of the urgent. I have learned patience and persistence. I have recognized the futility of vanity and the unconditional love of those who really do walk the talk.
And now Christmas is here. The tinsel and the lights don’t fool me one iota. I love the atmosphere, the fine food, the gifts and family activities that make Christmas fun, but the most important part and the motivation for festivity is to celebrate the “Way” in the manger. I pray that I won’t take my eyes and heart off Jesus this Christmas for even a moment. I was blind, but now I see. I pray that you, too, will keep Christ in Christmas and as you celebrate in your own special way you, too, will realize the “Way” who came that we all shall live.
Forgive me for not being faithful in writing my column for a very long time. I know God has some wonderful things in store for me this new year. I am trusting that one of them is climbing back on board the DramaScene wagon. Blessings, joy and peace for a love-filled Christmas celebrated in His honor.
Love Glynis
Glynis M. Belec
Again, SO beautiful! I seriously would love to work with you for a Christmas musical sometime. We'll change the hearts of the public school =) My first vision's theme would be to one of my favourite Christmas songs that I don't know the title to...but something to do with Mama's shoes...what do you think =)
May you continue to experience His joy this season and much more into the next year.
Your spark is definitely ignited!! I've just started putting my journey down on paper, hoping to create an e-book...your words are very inspiring...Merry Christmas!!
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