Some days I resemble the scarecrow from the yellow brick road - in fact, as I look down this lazy Saturday afternoon, I think I might fit the bill right now, minus the straw. My sloppy red joggers and plain, unflattering (but comfy) old Yellow top would be prime fodder for ridicule should Stacey and Clinton from What Not to Wear appear on my doorstep. But right now I am content.
My bone scan on Thursday went as planned. I was there on time and received my shot of radioactive glow juice. The three hours that I had to wait were spent wisely with books, my day planner, a muffin, tea and several glasses of water, in the cafeteria. I was tempted to spend my parking meter money on a plate of the source of that delicious spicy aroma. But I thought better. It wouldn't be nice for a quiet lass like me to have to break through the barrier with my automobile. I'd forgotten about making sure I had enough currency to get out of the parking lot once I was in. Thank goodness I had a ten dollar bill and a bit of change rolling around in the bottom of my satchel. I managed the tea and muffin with the required six dollars for parking.
Anyway, the bone scan, once I got in there, went without a hitch and I think I annoyed the technician by asking her a myriad of questions. Soon another male technician appeared to 'finish me off.' Either my original gal went on a coffee break (the test takes almost an hour) or she conned my new guy into taking over. Anyway, his name was Dan. I continued with the questions for two reasons. I wanted to find out what was going on with me, but I also wanted to get the right details for the book that I am writing. Research. I was conducting research so things needed to be accurate. Actually, Dan the man was great. He talked my ear off and explained things in great detail. As he waved goodbye, he reminded me to send him a copy of my book - "Mrs. B Has Cancer." Maybe I should start taking orders now. :)
As I was going through the procedure, Dan did ask me if I had had dental work recently. He saw a shadow in my skull. I was hoping it was a brain but he said no. Sheesh. Anyway, it so happened that I did recently have a filling, so I'm banking on that being the 'shadow.'
I have to wait a week for the report to come back to my doctor. Here we go again. More waiting.
Meanwhile, I am remembering who the greatest Physician is and I know He has it all worked out. Thanks for taking an interest in my shenanigans and especially for your prayers. I am so blessed that you care! 
(Photo: Me - With hair and Feathers! )