The verdict is [partially] in and so far the news is good. The two odd lumpy areas at the base of my spine were once again, lipomas, which are basically clinically insignificant. For that, I breath a sigh of relief!

The abdominal x-ray shows a few issues - naught that a few pills can't help, though. I still have to sit tight for the repeat mammogram on the lump but it may be just a bad pose on my part and yet one more insignificant lump to add to my collection. We'll see.
Tomorrow - bloodwork. Then we will close this Pandora's box and hopefully life will plateau once more. I hesitate to say it will get back to 'normal' for I have forgotten what that is to be honest. Was I ever there?

I'm sitting in the cardiac unit at University Hospital in London writing this as I await the completion of Dad's pacemaker procedure - he's getting a "newer model." I wonder if Dad ever wanted to be 'normal' again and not have a pacemaker. But since he has had one since 1983, I guess having one is normal for him. I suppose, then, that normal is relative.

Anyway, when I stop and think about it, normal would probably be far too boring for this gal who can't sit still at the best of times. We journey on and count it all joy. That's my kind of normal!

The abdominal x-ray shows a few issues - naught that a few pills can't help, though. I still have to sit tight for the repeat mammogram on the lump but it may be just a bad pose on my part and yet one more insignificant lump to add to my collection. We'll see.
Tomorrow - bloodwork. Then we will close this Pandora's box and hopefully life will plateau once more. I hesitate to say it will get back to 'normal' for I have forgotten what that is to be honest. Was I ever there?

I'm sitting in the cardiac unit at University Hospital in London writing this as I await the completion of Dad's pacemaker procedure - he's getting a "newer model." I wonder if Dad ever wanted to be 'normal' again and not have a pacemaker. But since he has had one since 1983, I guess having one is normal for him. I suppose, then, that normal is relative.

Anyway, when I stop and think about it, normal would probably be far too boring for this gal who can't sit still at the best of times. We journey on and count it all joy. That's my kind of normal!
Glad to hear that so far things are "normal" and hope that all the rest of it comes in "normal" as well. Bless you as you walk this path. I'm walking right along with you. God bless your dad, too, as he goes through his own journey.
The only way I might suggest you're not normal, Glynis, is the extraordinary strength you show in hanging onto God's hand when everything else is topsy-turvy around you. And yet I've watched you do it long enough that now it seems normal too. So normal or not, I like the way you do things.
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