Photo: Flodene and Violet discussing Chapter 7 in
my (Flodene's) book - "The Cash Register is NOT a toy!"
It's been quite a week. In fact, it's been quite a few weeks! We presented the last performance of "No Room at the Diner - Uncle Phil's Style," Sunday evening.The play is a hilarious recreation of a 50s diner with a great underlying Christmas story. I was more than honoured to have one of the lead roles. We had amazing directors and the cast really was like one big happy family!
I had been battling the flu since Saturday morning, so by the time our Sunday evening gig started, I was convinced I would lose my voice entirely. But not so. God was good and He heard my prayers (and those of the multitude in the cast!) My adrenalin kicked in and it was basically smooth sailing that evening - save a few coughs, and with the semi-medicinal help of two packages of Halls, a couple of squirts of my 'special' throat spray and two soda glasses of iced water!
We had a tough but fabulous eight weeks rehearsing and preparing for this past weekend's three performances. Then all of a sudden it was over.
As I stood on the stage at the end of the evening on Sunday, singing Silent Night with the rest of the incredible cast, I did so with tears running down my face. I was moved by what was happening on stage but something else was stirring my heart. I suddenly realized where I was one year ago.
I was as bald as a baby this time last year, and had just finished a rigorous six months of chemotherapy for ovarian cancer. And now - November 2009 - there I stood staring into the eyes of so many people in the audience who may or may not have known about m
Photo: Momma, Uncle Phil and Flodene giving Phil his gift!
Tomorrow I am heading to the cancer clinic again to see what they think. I cannot believe it is my one year check up. But we journey on. I can't help but wonder what I will be thinking this time next
year. I'm thinking I will be twice as joyful! Is that possible? xx
I've heard you couldn't fight the flue of any longer once Uncle Phils' was over, I hope your feeling better and we wish you nothing but good news today.
You looked so good up on stage Glynis,it was a great weekend. Sitting very close to the stage on Friday night I wondered about tears in your eyes when Jody sang. So good to be alive, so good to laugh, so good to know Jesus.
God is good! While you and your journey may not be known to many of the audience, to me, you are a remarkable example a woman who God radiates through.
Thinking about you and praying that the year visit is good too.
By the way, love the hair!!!
Dear Glynis,
My co-writer Craig Wilson forwarded your post to me and I wanted to tell you how blessed we were to read it. These shows have gone on to do so much for for people and churches than we ever imagined and it is such a blessing to us to read stories like yours. Thank you so much for sharing it and congratulations on your recovery. Dave Avanzino
Thanks, Dave, for your kind comments on my post. Congratulations to you, Craig and Coley on such a successful and amazing creation. We have done two different Uncle Phil productions now and I would say 'yes' in a heartbeat to the part of Flodene, if the opportunity arose again. It really was a great time and so therapeutic for yours truly. My husband and I actually saw the original show in Kansas while I attended a Lillenas drama conference quite a few years ago. I fell in love with it then!
Uncle Phil lives on! Happy writing to you all and again, thanks for your comments. Blessings. G
It was my pleasure. My mom is a cancer survivor. We've all decided that 3 Uncle Phil's plays was enough. We joked that the 4th would be called either, Uncle Phil Just Phones It In" or "Uncle Phil's 4: Beating a Dead Horse." We know that people would probably love another one but, for now, we've retired the series. Craig and I recently completed a new show called "Family Camp" that is available at Lillenas and it is set in a woodsy camp in 1947. Lots of Big Band music and the same kind of fun as Uncle Phil's. Not quite as rowdy as UPD but still fun. We're hoping to have a few shows in this series too so check it out and maybe your church can do those too. I'm sure there is a good role in it for you!
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