Friday, June 19, 2009

Clinging Tight

The news is good. The ultrasound report says that the bladder is negative for signs of cancer. Thank you sweet Jesus!

At all times and for everything giving thanks in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to God the Father. Ephesians 5:20

I am rejoicing in this good news and clinging tight to Jesus (and my precious family) as I journey on.

How grateful I am for family and friends. Life is so short. I have so many people in my life who are as precious as gold. If you are reading this, you are one of them. Thanks for caring so much about me.

I am breathing a big sigh of relief at this great news, although the doc is sending off another 'sample' for microscopic examination to determine the cause of the bleeding. More waiting, but things are looking good for this grandma who has hereby decided to begin collecting hugs. Anyone have any to spare?


Tracey said...

A massive ((((((HUG)))))) from me.
I'm so pleased for you, what a weight to be lifted..
Brilliant xxxx

Roxanne said...

So happy for your good news!! God is good all the time, and all the time God is good!

WhiteStone said...

Oh, I'm so glad to hear the good news! Yep, those hugs are important. Great smiles!!!!

Cindy Update said...

Praising God with you, my friend!!
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (the universal code for hugs) After I write this note I will hold out my arms and send a HUGE hug in your direction.

Lori said...


XXXXXX - 6 hugs sent your way from us =)

Angela said...

What wonderful news, Glynis!! Praising God for carrying you through each and every step...and that lovely new grandson that's been sent your way :) Blessed be the name of the Lord!!!