Some days I wonder. Today is no exception. What I am wondering right now is why this is happening. I got a call from the doctor's office. I was hoping I would not get a call, for when I spoke last week to my lovely doctor, she said, ' no news would be good news' and the blood in the urine was likely only a bladder infection. She popped me a prescription for an antibiotic and that was supposed to do the trick. But she would send my sample off for further investigation. Culture and sensitivity, I supposed.
My sweet nurse called a few hours ago to tell me to stop taking the antibiotic and said I should contact the hospital to book a convenient time for an ultrasound this week. I did. I asked if Casey would be there on Wednesday. The receptionist said yes. I was glad because Casey was the gal who was first on the scene when my ovarian cancer was initially discovered. For sentimental reasons I wanted Casey on the job again. So I am going Wednesday to see what's up? I feel so emotional and am looking heavenward with a barrel full of questions.

I suddenly feel fatigued and drained. But that is okay. I guess I have a few more lessons to learn about trusting and relying on the Creator of all things wise and wonderful! Sigh. Off to bed.
I am praying for strength and peace to face whatever lies ahead.Blessings to you:)
You seem to go through mountains and valleys. We pray that the Lord will give you the footing that you need.
OH Glynis...I am saying a little prayer as I type...have strength as you travel and face this challenge tomorrow. We love you lots!
Dear Glynis,
I'm praying with all my heart for you. I'm commenting on your site, because when ever I send you emails it seems you don't receive them. I see you responding to others. And I know you're not ignoring me. It's an odd thing, but occasionally emails I send seem to disappear into cyberspace and yes I check in my draft box:) But I want you to know I'm cheering you on
Love & blessings
Mary H
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