Most of you know that I have been battling Ovarian Cancer since last April (08). Things are looking hopeful and I return to the cancer clinic on February 12th to see if the chemo did what it was supposed to do. I've had a few little setbacks since my chemo finished at the end of last year, but for the most part I am getting back on my horse and am feeling good! :)
If there is one thing I have learned over the past year, it is that ovarian cancer is insidious. Because of this subtle invasion, many woment are diagnosed in later stages and then succumb to this silent killer. I, thank the blessed Lord, was caught early so my prognosis looks very hopeful. My prayer is that more women can become more aware of this silent killer and that they, too, can be caught early and appropriately treated.
Not only has my cancer affected me, but it is amazing how so many around me have been touched by my experience. I've had so much support. I thank you for caring. If you are reading this, then you have been part of my journey!
Amanda (#1 daughter) has been a particularly strong support system for me and she was instrumental in getting me motivated last year to participate in the Walk of Hope in Barrie. She organized our team - The Sunflower Seeds - to make the 5km trek to help raise funds for Ovarian Cancer Canada. Now she has another great plan in the making and she has our Sunflower Seeds team excited once more. Janice, my equally supportive daughter-in-law is also joining us again, along with our sweet friend, Darlene Hauser (our adopted Sunflower) as we organize ZEAL FOR TEAL!
Zeal for Teal is the phrase that Amanda coined to represent a wonderful fundraiser for Ovarian Cancer Canada. This special party day of scrapbooking and cardmaking will be held on Saturday, May 2nd, 2009. It will take place at Drayton Reformed Church and promises to be an entertaining time of fellowship and celebration as we participate in a day long crop. The day is not just for seasoned 'croppers' so don't toss this idea aside yet! Even if you just dabble (like me), come along and prepare for lots of fun. There will be great food, door prizes galore, goody bags, a gifted esthetician offering free mini-manicures, fit-breaks, make n' takes, onsite stores and more!
Here is the invitation below so you can see what is happening. Oh did I mention you can wear your comfy pjs? :) If you are interested in joining us, contact one of us as indicated below and ask us for a registration form. We do need an idea of numbers as soon as possible. All proceeds from the day are going to Ovarian Cancer Canada, and we have their blessing and endorsement for this undertaking.
Everytime I think about the work Amanda has put into getting this idea off the ground, I get all weepy because she says she is doing it for me. (Sniff) How blessed am I?
Not only has my cancer affected me, but it is amazing how so many around me have been touched by my experience. I've had so much support. I thank you for caring. If you are reading this, then you have been part of my journey!
Amanda (#1 daughter) has been a particularly strong support system for me and she was instrumental in getting me motivated last year to participate in the Walk of Hope in Barrie. She organized our team - The Sunflower Seeds - to make the 5km trek to help raise funds for Ovarian Cancer Canada. Now she has another great plan in the making and she has our Sunflower Seeds team excited once more. Janice, my equally supportive daughter-in-law is also joining us again, along with our sweet friend, Darlene Hauser (our adopted Sunflower) as we organize ZEAL FOR TEAL!
Zeal for Teal is the phrase that Amanda coined to represent a wonderful fundraiser for Ovarian Cancer Canada. This special party day of scrapbooking and cardmaking will be held on Saturday, May 2nd, 2009. It will take place at Drayton Reformed Church and promises to be an entertaining time of fellowship and celebration as we participate in a day long crop. The day is not just for seasoned 'croppers' so don't toss this idea aside yet! Even if you just dabble (like me), come along and prepare for lots of fun. There will be great food, door prizes galore, goody bags, a gifted esthetician offering free mini-manicures, fit-breaks, make n' takes, onsite stores and more!
Here is the invitation below so you can see what is happening. Oh did I mention you can wear your comfy pjs? :) If you are interested in joining us, contact one of us as indicated below and ask us for a registration form. We do need an idea of numbers as soon as possible. All proceeds from the day are going to Ovarian Cancer Canada, and we have their blessing and endorsement for this undertaking.
Everytime I think about the work Amanda has put into getting this idea off the ground, I get all weepy because she says she is doing it for me. (Sniff) How blessed am I?
We sure hope you can make it on May 2nd. It just wouldn't be the same without you!
(This is the information from the poster without the pretty background from Ovarian Cancer Canada!)
Zeal for Teal!
Scrapbooking & Cardmaking
Pyjama Party
Put on your coziest pyjamas and spend a relaxing day at our first annual scrapbooking & cardmaking party.
What to Expect:
A great day to crop with friends
Snacks, a delicious lunch
Esthetician onsite to do mini-manicures
Fit breaks to keep us moving
Onsite stores (swap-shops; retail; purses and more!)
Door prizes
Date: May 2nd, 2009
Time: 9am to 5pm
Place: Drayton Reformed Church
Wellington Street, Drayton
(Opposite the school)
Cost: $40 (includes snacks, lunch, grab-bag, door prizes, optional mini-manicure, fit breaks and more!
TO REGISTER please contact:
Amanda Newton - amanda.newtn@gmail.com
(519) 638-0028
Glynis Belec - gbelec@everus.ca
(519) 638-3215
Janice Belec - tjbelec@sympatico.ca
(519) 846-8719
(Check out our own website at http://thesunflowerseeds.wordpress.com/)
Ovarian Cancer Canada
Glynis Belec - gbelec@everus.ca
(519) 638-3215
Janice Belec - tjbelec@sympatico.ca
(519) 846-8719
(Check out our own website at http://thesunflowerseeds.wordpress.com/)
Ovarian Cancer Canada
What a fantastic idea!! I'll be thinking of you guys on that day...wishing you the best and many more successful events!!
I would so come if I could. And Glynis, your new do is so cute!
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