So I walk into the doctor's office last week to pick up copies of my test results to take to my oncologist at the cancer clinic. I am heading for a check up this coming Thursday so I wanted to have all my ducks in a row.
Maybe I am being overactive in the panic department again. It's just that once a body has been dealt that cancer card, the word 'probably' doesn't sit well. I remember prior to my surgery they said I would probably not need to have chemotherapy.
I was told after my few lumpy scares, that things were okay. The breast lump was a bit more of a scare than the ones on my spine, but after some further testing I was told things seemed fine. The powers that be were booking me for a repeat ultrasound and mammo in 6 months.
As I looked over my report from the diagnostic imaging - the mammogram and ultrasound on the suspicious lump in my breast, my heart sank. Probably...probably benign, the report read. I was under the impression that there was no probably...that it was definitely benign. There was a suggestion that I go for either surgical consultation or have a followup mammo and ultrasound in six months. Somebody, on my behalf, opted for the six month followup.
Sure might have been nice if I had been in on that decision making process.

One hairless year later...
But I must trust and rest in the knowledge that these medical pros are just that - the experts.
Meanwhile I will head off to the cancer clinic this week and rattle my cage a little. I'll ask for that good old second opinion...
Be still and know that I am God...Psalm 46:10

It's such a roller coaster isn't it! Praying for you...
It's such a roller coaster, isn't it? I'm praying for you.
I heard a beautiful new song yesterday called "My Life is in Your Hands". The chorus says "I know that I can make it; I know that I can stand; No matter what may come my way; My life is in your hands." It's not easy to be waiting for doctor's reports and wading through them when they come, but I pray today that God's hands will be very real to you.
He loves you and so do I :).
Good Glynnis. Good for you. At my last doctor appointment, I saw an oncologist who traveled in to fill for the regular oncologist. She was amazed that I have PET scans showing areas of activity, ones that the radiologist describes as probably arthritic bone changes. Her amazed comment was: why don't they just do an x-ray? Metastases and arthritis display completely differently in an x-ray. The question would be answered for sure. She said that she would speak to the other oncologist and get back to me, but said that if I did not hear from them within two weeks, to stop back in. I did. Today. Nothing has been done. Nothing has been noted. The gal in the office said, 'The radiologist believes that...' and basically parroted the report back at me once again. I said, firmly, "I guess someone needs to explain to me why we would not want to do a simple x-ray if it will clarify it, for sure, one way or the other.
I felt like a beast. I know I shouldn't, but I do. But it needed to be said.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE how real you are! Keep resting in Jesus!
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