There are some days that I wish I could write all day and never climb out of my office basement.
I have this incurable passion to write and it drives me absolutely batty when I cannot get to the computer because of other commitments.
But there are days when I see the grinning faces of my students and watch them having 'aha' moments. Then I remember my incurable passion to teach.
When I stop and think about it, I have the best of both worlds. I love my job. I love my students. I love the flexibility in my schedule.
I think back to this time last year, when I did not even know if I would make it to this year. I relish opportunities to talk about my cancer experience, because I want to shout from the mountain top about how thankful I am.
God was with me every step of the way. He was lighting my path and holding me up. I garnered strength in my weakness for I became dependent and reliant on His grace and mercy alone. I hear about and watch others succumb to cancer and I wonder why I was spared. I ponder the complexity of it all and then realize that God taught me much. He isn't quite finished with me yet. I have a new appreciation for life and all that it offers so I had better not waste my cancer and focus on any 'why me?' notion. I've got too much to do; too many people to love and far too many joyful moments to experience. 

Ovarian cancer might be called the silent killer but this old gray mare 'who ain't what she used to be,' isn't going down without a noise. I'm counting my blessings and am happy to be back in the saddle again!
Love your attitude ... very motivating.
I really enjoyed your blog!
Another ovarian cancer survivor
I'm loving your attitude too! I really hope and pray that when I return to work in a few short weeks, I can be as happy =)
Wonderful!! You're an inspiration.
Thanks for your inspiration! Hope you're doing well. I'm a breast cancer survivor (diagnosed at age 43, in Feb., 2006), and loved reading your poem just now. Yes, God is really walking beside us every step of the way. He is good!
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