I can't believe that it was almost a year ago that I was taking part in the Winners Walk of Hope in Barrie, Ontario. And now it is time to do it again! I am excited, although my sore feet aren't exactly jumping for joy yet. Amanda and I are the only ones on our Sunflower Seeds team this year so we have a lot of noise to make. I am overwhelmed with those who are sponsoring us for our mini walk already and can hardly find the words to thank friends and family who are encouraging us in many different ways.

Here's the 'form' letter that the Winners Walk of Hope sends out on my behalf. Please don't feel obligated but have a gander anyway and see what I am up to!

Last year I was the champion individual fundraiser. That was a thrilling accolade! And I had my face plastered on the pages of the Barrie Times Journal to boot. Although that was a nice honour, I am pleased as punch to just be part of this wonderful day. If I can help in some small way to help a sister out there to become more aware of their body and to help this wretched Ovarian Cancer be caught early or eradicated, then I am thrilled.
If anyone out there is interested in supporting me financially or prayerfully, I am truly grateful. Even words on a page encourage me beyond...um...words. I am doing this for my 'sisters' out there who have been, or are still, battling cancer, including Linda, Roxanne, Rosie, Kia, Judy, Daria, Denise, Tracey, Tina, Sandhy, Cindy, and so many, many more. My heart hugs each one of you and I pray that the plan God has for each of you is for complete healing. Journey on, girls, and I will take you with me on September 27th at 9am!

Here's the 'form' letter that the Winners Walk of Hope sends out on my behalf. Please don't feel obligated but have a gander anyway and see what I am up to!
<You have been invited to pledge Glynis Belec in the Mini Winners Walk of Hope. Join thousands of people across Canada supporting the Winners Walk of Hope, a remarkable event designed to create a sense of community for women living with ovarian cancer and their family and friends. All funds raised through this event support Ovarian Cancer Canada's mission to: support women and their families touched by ovarian cancer, educate well women and healthcare professionals and to fund ovarian cancer research. It's a day filled with hope and support, creating a greater awareness around ovarian cancer. To date, the Winners Walk of Hope has raised over $4.5 million.
Until there is a reliable early detection test, raising awareness about ovarian cancer is key. The Mini Winners Walk of Hope is a perfect opportunity for us to Turn UP the Volume! on ovarian cancer. Each year, 2400 women in Canada are diagnosed with ovarian cancer and sadly 1,700 women die of the disease. Even though the statistics are bleak, the good news is that when diagnosed in the early stages, the long-term survival rate is up to 90%. Education and awareness are the best tools we have for improving survival by alerting women to the signs and symptoms of the disease. Visit www.winnerswalkofhope.ca for more information!For more information on Ovarian Cancer Canada's many programs, please visit www.ovariancanada.org
Secure online donations can be made with your credit card and an official charitable tax receipt will be sent to you by email within five minutes! You can make an online donation now by clicking on the following link:http://my.e2rm.com/personalPage.aspx?SID=2321540For more information about the Mini Winners Walk of Hope, please visit www.winnerswalkofhope.ca Thank you for your generous support!>