Thursday, July 29, 2010

Becky Hubbert Tribute

dbriscoeful July 23, 2010
Becky Hubbert passed away July 19th form Ovarian Cancer, this video is a tribute to her which is/was to be played at her funeral. Although it is edited from the original being played at her funeral, I hope it still captures who she was - a beautiful person who was an exceptional friend, aunt, daughter, sister, mother and wife. She will be missed by all...


Lori said...

I'm sorry to hear about your loss, and the loss of so many. What beautiful pictures! I didn't get through it with dry eyes. I pray for strength for you and her family.

Darlene said...

Oh my, that was hard to watch!! My tears are just strolling down my cheeks! I looked at those pictures & couldn't stop thinking of all those around her. To see her with her son & husband is just so sad knowing she won't be there to see her son grow up. Life is truly fragile! We need to enjoy each day we are given.

WhiteStone said...

I cried for Becky all the way through. What a handsome son. I don't know what else to words feel awkward.